University of Cambridge

Organisation Information

Where is this data from?

This data was published in the 360Giving Data Standard by one or more Funders. If you see something about your organisation on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request.

Appears in the data as
Org IDs
GB-EDU-133801, GB-HESA-0114, GB-UKPRN-10007788
Other Names used in the data
Masters in Conservation Leadership - University of Cambridge; University of Cambridge McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; University of Cambridge Museums; UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE; The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge; Learning Together, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge; The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge; The Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge; University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge; University of Cambridge - Institute for Manufacturing; University of Cambridge - ADC Theatre; University of Cambridge - The Sainsbury Laboratory; University of Cambridge - Institute of Brain and Mind Health; Centre for Business Research, Cambridge University; University of Cambridge - Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication; University of Cambridge - Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence; Centre of Governance & Human Rights, University of Cambridge; Centre for Housing and Planning Research; Murray Edwards College, Cambridge; Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge; Churchill College; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge University

University of Cambridge has been identified using different organisation identifiers within the 360Giving data.

University of Cambridge has been referred to using several different names in the 360Giving data.

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As Recipient

University of Cambridge appears in the 360Giving data as a recipient of grants. Here is an overview of the grants they have received.


Total Grants
Earliest Award
21 Mar 1995
Latest Award
06 Jun 2024

University of Cambridge received grants in 2 currencies.

Currency Grants Total Amount Greatest Amount Smallest Amount
GBP 852 £627,690,450 £38,365,728 £-437,048
USD 32 $182,688,199 $71,648,800 $77,967
Explore Grants

This table shows the funders who have made grants to University of Cambridge

Funders (GBP)

Funder Grants Total Largest Smallest
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy 670 £504,034,507 £38,365,728 £-214,550
Wolfson Foundation 50 £5,952,500 £1,250,000 £0
Department for Education 41 £29,759,070 £4,496,980 £-172,940
The National Lottery Heritage Fund 34 £42,478,779 £13,253,929 £9,100
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 16 £3,544,983 £1,212,754 £1,200
Gatsby Charitable Foundation 10 £30,701,657 £22,510,164 £250,000
Nesta 6 £129,390 £56,394 £8,000
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office 5 £4,199,693 £3,113,833 £-437,048
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 3 £28,498 £19,283 £1,367
Nuffield Foundation 3 £227,309 £83,514 £68,632
Arts Council England 2 £2,667,508 £1,454,754 £1,212,754
Ministry of Justice 2 £213,939 £133,124 £80,815
ARCADIA 1 £138,000 £138,000 £138,000
Culham St Gabriel's Trust 1 £9,320 £9,320 £9,320
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation 1 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400
Department for International Development 1 £418,516 £418,516 £418,516
Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation (previously Guy's and St Thomas' Charity) 1 £4,527 £4,527 £4,527
Monument Trust 1 £3,000,000 £3,000,000 £3,000,000
The David & Elaine Potter Foundation 1 £80,000 £80,000 £80,000
The Dunhill Medical Trust 1 £92,854 £92,854 £92,854
The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art 1 £2,000 £2,000 £2,000
The Pilgrim Trust 1 £5,000 £5,000 £5,000

Funders (USD)

Funder Grants Total Largest Smallest
ARCADIA 32 $182,688,199 $71,648,800 $77,967